The Great Isosceles Triangle of England
Connections between leys (alignments of ancient sites) and orthoteny (alignments formed from UFO sightings)

There are certain leys in this country which extend over several hundred miles, and I have ventured to draw a pattern of what I call primary leys, or a major grid on which all the others are based. It is here that I get the first idea of a connection between leys and UFOs, as put forward by Tony Wedd in Skyways and Landmarks.

It must be realised that leys have been made at many different periods in prehistory , from the early Neolithic right up to Iron Age times. One theory is that the earliest network was set out joining certain "holy" places, perhaps hill-tops where the flying saucers landed, and thus we have a network, which, by accident if you like, follows the tracks used by the spacecraft. Later, however, additional lines were added which had no connection with the original ones, which were later used extensively as tracks.

The Great Isosceles Triangle

1) There is a primary ley at an angle of approximately 13o west of north passing through the Arbor Low stone circle in Derbyshire, and south through Reading.

2) At 90o to this line, there is one passing through Reading, and Othery in Somerset 85 miles to the west, and West Mersea, 85 miles to the east.

3) There are lines, both 152 miles long, connecting Arbor Low to the Othery and West Mersea centres.

4) There is a centre near Worcester, exactly half way along the line from Othery to Arbor Low; i.e., 76 miles from Othery and 76 miles from Arbor Low. It is also 76 miles from the Reading centre.

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This is the main pattern, curiously symmetrical with equal lengths and good angles like 90o.

A) To turn back to the pages of Charles Fort, he mentioned three points: a) Reading, b) near Colchester and c) between Hereford and Worcester as being the "London Triangle", the points of which being centres of great activity in the sky; i.e. mystery explosions and strange lights.

- a confirmation that we are on the right track
- also mentioned by Fort is Comrie, Perthshire, which is 250 miles from Arbor Low (i.e., twice the distance of Reading to Arbor Low) on the continuation of that line.

B) Tony Wedd of Chiddingstone, Kent received a thought communication that he would find a major centre 6o north of north-east from Chiddingstone. On plotting this line, I found it passed exactly through the West Mersea centre, and is at right angles to the West Mersea - Arbor Low line.

C) I only know of one orthoteny in Britain - the one of October 15th 1954 mentioned in Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery by Aimé Michel (page 180), which passed through Southend.

On plotting this on a map it is found to be parallel to the Arbor Low-West Mersea line but 20 or so miles to the west. It passes exactly over Canterbury Cathedral, which has a major ley leading to Stonehenge.

Where the orthoteny passes over the Arbor Low-Reading line, we find the site of one of the most interesting sightings of 1962, at Overseal, Derbyshire, where in August a woman saw an oval object hovering over her car (see Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1962). There are also several other good sightings close to this line.

The angle of these lines is 60o west of north, and I have found several lines of this angle to the west.

D) There is a major ley I have found passing through the Reading centre and also the ancient prehistoric centre at Avebury. This line has an enormous number of sightings within a mile or so on each side of it, and seems to be a major route, crossing Swansea Bay, Bristol, Keynsham, Reading and London Airport, South London and the Thames Estuary. In practically any issue of Flying Saucer Review one will find several sightings on this line.

Philip Heselton 1961

Page 2 - A Basis for Leys and Orthotenies in Britain
Page 3 - The Mysteries of Leys and Orthoteny
Page 4 - Some Interesting Discoveries

Michael Behrend Archive - An archive of downloadable republications of earth mysteries literature, including Watkins works and pre-Watkins works studying alignments and landscape geometry
Flying Saucers, Landscape Energies and Lost Technology - The Tony Wedd Site
The Real Stonehenge and Avebury
The Truth about the Ley System

Fringe Archaeology